Hanna's Dream

"It all began after watching a disturbing advertisement on television one evening before bed time. You know, the typical ones with crying sad faces of young innocent lives being crushed and souls, along with bodies, being starved and abused. Afterwards, I looked at Hanna and she looked at me and we both saw we had tears welling up in our eyes. I tucked her and her brother into bed and we prayed for all the hungry sad children of the world." - Hanna's Mother

 Hanna & Her Dream

Hanna's Dream - About the Dream

Hanna Cinci was 5 years old...
She saw that advertisement on TV with crying, sad children. After seeing the ad, Hanna and her mother Robin looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Robin tucked Hanna into bed and that night they prayed for all the hungry children in the world.
The next morning, Hanna sat straight up in bed and told her mom about a dream she had where they helped all the poor, sad children. Robin asked how they helped, and Hanna said that they gave them “stuff to do art with.” She went on to say that art would help them with their sadness, and maybe they could sell their art to buy food and clothes.
Robin was so shocked that a 5 year old could come up with something like that and the thought really stuck with her throughout that day. Despite her reservations about having the tools and the time to work on this, she contacted a family friend who manages the Glenn Family Foundation (GFF) in India (they save children from slave labor) and he encouraged Robin to pursue Hanna's vision.
With the help of her mother, Hanna founded her own non-profit organization to help children worldwide to express their own visions through artwork. Soon others joined Hanna's cause and the organization was donating artwork to underprivileged children throughout the world including India, Fiji, Mexico, Haiti and US Children's Hospitals & Shelters.

 The world lost a shining light on April 17th, 2009...

Hanna's Dream - About the Dream

For Hanna's first domestic project with her own non-profit Hanna's Dream, Inc, she set up a donation drive for children in the local Montana towns of Elmo and Dayton. However, a month before the event, Hanna was involved in a tragic car accident and did not survive.  She died in 2009 at the age of 6 right before her 7th birthday. Her mother knew Hanna would want her to continue Hanna’s Dream.
Hanna was you might call an "old soul". Although she is missed by everybody she touched in her short life, Hanna's mother was dedicated to carrying on Hanna's vision and the foundation she built by helping other children less fortunate than herself to create a better life through artwork.
Hanna realized the empowerment that creating her art gave her and wished to pass this same ability to other children less fortunate than her, hoping they could ultimately change their own lives. After Hanna's passing, she is doing the impossible, working through others who continue Hanna's selfless work with donations of time, funds and art supplies.
To date the Hanna's Dream Foundation efforts have positively impacted many thousands of children internationally in poor regions including Fiji, India, Mexico and Haiti. Hanna's Dream also donates domestically to abused children in shelters and children's hospitals in the United States.

 Help Fulfill the Dream

Hanna's Dream lives on through the donations of art supplies and monetary donations from generous individuals and organizations. All donations are used strictly for the expansion of Hanna’s Dream, Inc. Our organization is operated solely by volunteers who are dedicated to improving the lives of children domestically and abroad.
Help Fulfill a Child's Dream